PATCHWORLD // exhibition

Wandergallery gave me the oportunity to work
for 2 weeks and a half in EOI (escola oficial de Idiomes),
and it was fantastic. I was going everyday in the morning
and leaving in the night, doing my art in the corridors,
meeting the students, talking to them and beeing inspired
from the way they behave.
All the materials I used for the installation were from and
old textil factory that had to close down. I arrived to the
school one morning with all the stuff, having only some ideas
in my head. That's the reason I really enjoyed doing this

One part of the installation it's made it with
cardboard textil samples, they are very old,
and most of the patterneted very funny,
have a look.

One of the bench covered with samples and
finished with tape.

...doing lines with the cardboard samples at the
corridors walls, clossing somehow the toilets and
the classroom doors, some of the students didn't
know what to do.... just first day.

In one wall it's this big fish made it with fabric
samples, they were used for the sweaters sellers,
they could show to the clients the material.

In the last room of the installation I inspired myself
with a kind of Haima, I wanted to give to the students
the oportunity to relax and enjoy the class breaks,
making them to feel good and positive, with a special
energy, created because of the falling threads, the
fabric samples and the fluorescent red-pink light.
My intention after this good-positive feeling it's to
make them thinking about this new place, that is
completly diferent that what they could expect.

The bench and the paper basket aswell covered
with fabric sample, I really love to see people
smilling and surprise.

The floor looks pretty warm and confortable,
ready to lie down.

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